-----Original Message-----
From: "Mike Cantone, Field Director" <mikec@democraticpartyofgeorgia.org>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 21:11:07
Subject: Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers Needed for Democratic Action!
The Democratic Party of Georgia is putting a call out to all interested volunteers.
The best way to turn Georgia blue again is to get involved with the DPG!
Upcoming volunteer opportunities include:
** Phone Banking in the 10th Congressional District**
- The special election for the 10th CD will be held on June 19th. In a special election turnout is usually very low, making it crucial to turn out our Democratic base. The DPG will be calling Democrats in the district, to remind them to vote on June 19th. (click here: <mailto:volunteer@democraticpartyofgeorgia.org?subject=10th%20District%20Phonebanking> to volunteer)
** Data Entry**
- The Democratic Party of Georgia strives to be the voice for all Democrats in Georgia. A major function of the DPG is to keep track of Democratic voters, so we can turn them out during election years. The DPG needs help entering data, from the 10th Congressional race, into the voter-file. (click here: <mailto:volunteer@democraticpartyofgeorgia.org?subject=Data%20Entry> to volunteer)
If you are interested in volunteering, please email volunteer@democraticpartyofgeorgia.org: <mailto:volunteer@democraticpartyofgeorgia.org> or call Ted Terry at 404-870-8201.
** Apply for a Summer Internship **
- Intern at the DPG and help turn Georgia blue again!
- Interns will have the opportunity to help build the DPG from the local level up and gain valuable experience in Field, Communications, Tech and Finance.
If you are interested in internship opportunities, please email intern@democraticpartyofgeorgia.org: <mailto:intern@democraticpartyofgeorgia.org> or call Ted Terry at 404-870-8201.
I look forward to the great work we are going to accomplish together.
Mike Cantone
Field Director, Democratic Party of Georgia
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Georgia, 1100 Spring St. NW, Suite 408, Atlanta, GA 30309.
Jane Kidd, Chair; Michael Thurmond, Vice-Chair; Rex Templeton, Treasurer.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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