Monday, December 31, 2007

Fw: New poll out just now that will show Edwards in a more decisive position in Iowa than ever before!!!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "Your OneCorps Chapter" <>

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 17:30:47
Subject: New poll out just now that will show Edwards in a more decisive position in Iowa than ever before!!!


New poll out just now that will show Edwards in a more decisive position in Iowa than ever before!!!

A Happy New Year It'll Be!!!
From the IA/Southern Political Report story:
"Critically, Edwards was the second choice of 62% of those who supported other candidates that did not receive the required 15% of the vote. Clinton was the second choice of 21% and Obama of 17%.
Using the reallocation methodology InsiderAdvantage used in 2004 - which correctly indicated a fairly comfortable win for John Kerry - our new poll reveals that, if the caucuses were held today, the reallocated final outcome would be:  
Edwards: 41%
Clinton: 34%
Obama: 25%
Full story/data here: <>

Julie Simon

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John Edwards for President - 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 © 2007

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

John Edwards Theme of the Week: The Big Mo!!!!!!!

Yes Ladies and Gentleman, John Edwards has momentum!!!!

It has been a pretty exciting week for the Edwards campai gn. The Senator appears on the cover of Newsweek magazine. He's featured in an article as "The Sleeper" candidate. Edwards has strong support in the rural precincts in Iowa and "under Iowa's arcane caucus rules, a precinct where 25 people show up to vote gets the same number of delegates as a place that packs in 2,500"

On Monday, Iowa first Lady, Mari Culver, endorsed John Edwards and hit the campaign trail with him.

Yesterday, Insider Advantage released a poll putting Senator Edwards in the lead in Iowa with 30% with Sens. Clinton and Obama trailing respectively. Senator Edwards is also the top "second choice" candidate. (Iowa party rules calls for caucus goers whose candidate does not receive 15% to choose another candidate.

With 15 days left until the Iowa caucuses, this is exactly what the Edwards campaign needs for that extra push to victory.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Tis the season....

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas so to get in the holiday spirit I am posting a clip for what I think is the best Oprah episode ever. Christmas Eve 1990, The Winans Family appeared on Oprah for a Christmas special... Enjoy

Michael Vick, Shirley Franklin, Our Children....

"Michael especially was a role model for the City's underprivileged children. To them, Michael was much more than just a football player. He gave those kids hope."

These are the words Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin wrote in a letter to Judge Henry E. Hudson in defense of Michael Vick.

Mayor Franklin is right. Vick was/is a role model to children in Atlanta and that is why it is important that we must not send the wrong message to our children. The message should continue to be, "You do the crime, You do the time" no matter how much money or fame you have.

Despite anyone's opinion of this case the fact remains that Michael Vick broke the law and must suffer the consequences.

It was disheartening to read that the Mayor is getting involved in this issue. Maybe instead of supporting common criminals, she can write letters and speak out on more important issues such as police corruption, the Atlanta Housing Authority Fiasco, the Beltline's effect on low income residents, or Grady.

I find it deplorable for the leader of our city to event get involved in this garbage.

Monday, September 03, 2007

The People's Hearing on Grady

The Grady Coalition is sponsoring
The People's Hearing on Grady
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Grady Hospital's
Steiner Auditorium
6pm to 8pm

All Grady employees, patients and concerned community members need to attend this hearing to speak out and make a plan to make sure that Grady stays open and is properly funded.

We Are ALL Grady!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Did you know? (What the AJC Won't tell you)

• The State DECREASED Grady’s funding this year by $60 million?
• Charity care at Grady INCREASED by $73 million this year?
• County funding has essentially unchanged for’s been FLAT?
• Over 25% of Georgia’s doctors are trained at Grady?
• 900,00 patients visit Grady annually?
• Grady has the largest outpatient dialysis unit in the State?
• Grady is THE hospital when it comes to emergency preparedness (biological and natural disaster)?

Grady has $133 million LESS this year while the number of uninsured continues to climb. The Grady Board is not the problem The problem is the MONEY!

The surrounding counties that utilize Grady need to PAY THEIR BILLS to Grady.

The STATE of GEORGIA which uses Grady as THE Safety Net Health System for all of Georgia needs to FUND GRADY!!

Fulton and Dekalb Counties cannot and should not have to foot the bill for Grady. The Governor and the State Legislature needs to support our Grady Safety Net.
We Are ALL Grady!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Asa Grant Hilliard III 1933 - 2007

Dr. Asa Hilliard passed away Sunday due to malaria while in Egypt. Dr. Hilliard was a giant in many aspects of Academia, particularly in the African American Studies field. Dr. Hilliard was the Fuller E. Callaway Professor of Urban Education at Georgia State University. He will be missed greatly and his accomplishments will not be forgotten.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Michael Vick and Lindsay Lohan

By now, everyone has heard of the Michael Vick dogfighting issue. First let me say, dogfighting is wrong and if Michael Vick was involved, I have no sympathy for him.

I do find it disturbing that Lindsay Lohan is once again in the news after being arrested for driving with a suspended license, driving under the influence, and possession of cocaine. The fact that she has REPEATEDLY put others lives in danger and has faced no real consequences pisses me off. Where are the MADD and other activists on this issue? People can protest because of dogfighting but not when someone puts others lives at risk. Why isn't there an organized movement to protest her new movie coming out? Does anyone see the disparities here??

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Genarlow Wilson candlelight vigil

I'm at a candlelight/prayer vigil right now for Genarlow Wilson at the State Capitol. We are gathering and praying every hour on the hour. Stop by the steps of the State Capitol for a while to congregate and pray. Genarlow's case is going before the Supreme Court tomorrow morning at 10. If you plan on attending, get there early. The doors will be closed at 9:45
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, July 13, 2007

George Bush Doesn't Care about Poor People

One in 8 Americans currently lives in poverty. George Bush is ignoring all 37 million of them. We need to stop ignoring poverty—and make ending it a national priority

John Edwards is launching the Road to One America Tour next week to shine a light on the 37 million Americans who live in poverty.

You can help raise awareness simply by texting the word "TOUR" to 30644

Next week during the tour John Edwards will send exclusive audio updates from the road about the people he meets with and the towns he visits to help raise awareness. All you need to do to receive these exclusive updates directly from John is:

Text the word "TOUR" to 30644

- Team Edwards

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm supporting John Edwards, Will You?

I have voiced my support for John Edwards since he announced his candidacy for president. The next week is very important for any campaign. The FEC deadline is just 11 days away and John Edwards needs your help. Can you contribute to his campaign. Every penny helps. If everyone on in my online network (facebook, myspace, etc.) just donates $5 or $10 dollars, we can easily raise $10,000 for Senator Edwards by the June 30th. I'm a firm believer in the Senator's message and think that he can eat any republican in 2008.

Click here to contribute

Mike surprise so what's next

Everyone has heard about Mike Jacobs switching parties by now. That was no surprise and I won't even discuss his reasons. My only question is, who is running against him in '08?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Genarlow Wilson Prayer Vigil

Join State Senator Vincent Fort along with,
Sen. Emmanuel Jones, SCLC, Rainbow/Push Coalition, GA Coalition for the People's Agenda, NAACP, GABEO, and others for a Prayer Vigil For Genarlow Wilson

When: Today, June 14, 2007
Where: State Capitol Steps
Time: 6:00 PM

For more information, contact Senator Vincent Fort's office at 404-656-6091

Monday, June 11, 2007

UPDATE: Genarlow Wilson not so free after all

As Everyone probably knows by now, Attorney General Thurbert Baker is appealing the decision to free Genarlow.

Of course, I'm mad as Hell, but I'm not surprised at all. Thurbert, when will you take off the tap shoes and top hat (not a dig at his bad hairpiece) and start doing what's right?

I just left a press conference with Rev. Joseph Lowery, Rev. James Orange, Ms. Janice Mathis of Rainbow/Push, Mr. Edward Dubose of Georgia NAACP, B.J. Bernstein (Genarlow's attorney), Sens. Gail Davenport and Vincent Fort, and Reps. Tyrone Brooks and Randall Mangham where everyone took a vote of No-Confidence of Attorney General Baker and had in hand a letter asking for his resignation.

Random Sidenote: Hillary Clinton Boasts Baker as one of her Georgia Supporters. I'm not sure if that is such a good idea.

Genarlow Wilson Freed!!!

Monroe County Superior Court Judge Thomas Wilson reduced 21 year old Genarlow Wilson's sentence to a misdemeanor today and hopefully will be freed within 48 hours. I'm glad that a judge finally stepped in and did something about this since our "do-nothing" legislature was too busy showing their backsides to get any real legislation passed this year.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Justice Has been Served!

For once, the justice system works!!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Legislative Action Alert-Crohn's and Colitis Foundation

The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America just sent out this legislative Action Alert for support of increasing the the budget of the NIH. Below I included some information about Crohn's and Colitis and the action alert follows it.

Taken from `Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Enhancement Act'.


The Congress finds as follows:

(1) Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are serious inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

(2) Crohn's disease may occur in any section of the gastrointestinal tract but is predominately found in the lower part of the small intestine and the large intestine. Ulcerative colitis is characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the innermost lining of the colon. Complete removal of the colon in patients with ulcerative colitis can potentially alleviate and cure symptoms.

(3) Because Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis behave similarly, they are collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease. Both diseases present a variety of symptoms, including severe diarrhea; abdominal pain with cramps; fever; and rectal bleeding. There is no known cause of inflammatory bowel disease, or medical cure.

(4) It is estimated that up to 1,400,000 people in the United States suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, 30 percent of whom are diagnosed during their childhood years.

(5) Children with inflammatory bowel disease miss school activities because of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain, and many adults who had onset of inflammatory bowel disease as children had delayed puberty and impaired growth and have never reached their full genetic growth potential.

(6) Inflammatory bowel disease patients are at high risk for developing colorectal cancer.

(7) The total annual medical costs for inflammatory bowel disease patients is estimated at more than $2,000,000,000.


The House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education is expected to mark-up its FY08 funding bill this week. This bill provides annual appropriations for biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

All Crohn's & Colitis Foundation advocates are encouraged to contact the members of the House Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee and ask that the FY08 bill provide a 6.7% funding increase for NIH. In addition, please contact your own member of the House of Representatives and ask them to encourage the members of the Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee to provide a 6.7% increase for NIH.

This increase would halt the erosion of the nation's medical research enterprise, and enable investigators to accelerate the momentum of discovery for conditions like inflammatory bowel disease. The 6.7% proposed increase has been endorsed by hundreds of the nation's leading medical research organizations and patient advocacy groups -- including the Foundation.

The members of the House Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee are listed below. If you do not know who your specific Representative is, please go to and enter your zip code. Phone numbers for all congressional offices are also listed on Calling works best, but if you prefer to communicate via e-mail, you can do so through

Some tips for calling congressional offices:

1. Ask to speak with the legislator's Health Aide.
2. Introduce yourself and explain what IBD is and how it impacts you and your family.
3. Emphasize how important research is to improving the quality of life for IBD patients.
4. Specifically ask the legislator to support a 6.7% increase for the NIH in FY08. If that member is not on the Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee, ask him/her to communicate their support for a 6.7% increase to the Subcommittee.
5. Give the aide your contact information and ask to be kept informed of the legislator's actions on your request.

Thank you! Please keep us informed at of the e-mails you have sent, and the responses you have received.


Representatives and phone numbers:

Chairman: David R. Obey (D-WI): 202-225-3365
Nita M. Lowey (D-NY): 202-225-6506
Rosa DeLauro (D-CT): 202-225-3661
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. (D-IL): 202-225-0773
Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI): 202-225-4911
Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA): 202-225-1766
Barbara Lee (D-CA): 202-225-2661
Tom Udall (D-NM): 202-225-6190
Michael Honda (D-CA): 202-225-2631
Betty McCollum (D-MN): 202-225-6631
Tim Ryan (D-OH): 202-225-5261

Ranking Member James Walsh (R-NY): 202-225-3701
Ralph Regula (R-OH): 202-225-3876
John E. Peterson (R-PA): 202-225-5121
Dave Weldon (R-FL): 202-225-3671
Michael K. Simpson (R-ID): 202-225-5531
Dennis Rehberg (R-MT): 202 225-3211

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Paypal vs Click and Pledge

Ok. Does anyone have a preference of paypal or click and pledge for campaign websites?


Monday, April 23, 2007

Fw: Volunteers Needed!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mike Cantone, Field Director" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 21:11:07
Subject: Volunteers Needed!


Volunteers Needed for Democratic Action!

The Democratic Party of Georgia is putting a call out to all interested volunteers.


The best way to turn Georgia blue again is to get involved with the DPG!


Upcoming volunteer opportunities include:


** Phone Banking in the 10th Congressional District**

-          The special election for the 10th CD will be held on June 19th.  In a special election turnout is usually very low, making it crucial to turn out our Democratic base.  The DPG will be calling Democrats in the district, to remind them to vote on June 19th.  (click here: <> to volunteer)


** Data Entry**

-          The Democratic Party of Georgia strives to be the voice for all Democrats in Georgia.  A major function of the DPG is to keep track of Democratic voters, so we can turn them out during election years.  The DPG needs help entering data, from the 10th Congressional race, into the voter-file.  (click here: <> to volunteer)


If you are interested in volunteering, please email <> or call Ted Terry at 404-870-8201.

** Apply for a Summer Internship **

-          Intern at the DPG and help turn Georgia blue again!

-          Interns will have the opportunity to help build the DPG from the local level up and gain valuable experience in Field, Communications, Tech and Finance.
If you are interested in internship opportunities, please email <> or call Ted Terry at 404-870-8201.

I look forward to the great work we are going to accomplish together.

Mike Cantone

Field Director, Democratic Party of Georgia


  Paid for by the Democratic Party of Georgia, 1100 Spring St. NW, Suite 408, Atlanta, GA 30309.
Jane Kidd, Chair; Michael Thurmond, Vice-Chair; Rex Templeton, Treasurer.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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Friday, April 20, 2007

Still at the capitol

Now I'm listening to Dubose Porter speak in favor of the Private cities bill. Are we even a party anymore?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Mike Jacobs. WTF!

I'm sitting in the capitol listening to Mike Jacobs support a SCHOOL VOUCHER bill!!! Geesh! Who is going to run against this guy?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Monday, April 09, 2007

East Point Community Meeting

Senator Vincent Fort invites you to a
Community Meeting
Georgia Power Gas Pipeline
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
7:00 PM
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
2870 Headland Drive
East Point, GA 30344
Find out what Georgia Power doesn’t want you to know about how the pipeline will hurt your property values and quality of life.
• Come and get the latest updated information

• If approached by Georgia Power, don’t be rushed to sell your home!!! Don’t be intimidated!! Don’t let them low ball you with a bad price for your property!!!

• Don’t Sign Anything

For More information Contact Senator Vincent Fort’s office at 404-656-5091

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Payday loan ACTION ALERT!!!!

By now everyone has probably heard of the hb163, the payday loan bill. I am not going to repeat everyone else's arguments of why this is a bad bill. It will be up for reconsideration in the house next week and we need to contact these Democrats and tell them to vote against this bill and let them know that we are watching them. Below are the Democrats that are supporting this bill and if we contact them enough this week, we may be able to sway a few votes.

Tyrone Brooks 404.656.6372
Keith Heard 404-656-0220
Mike Jacobs 404-656-0325
Joe Heckstall 404-656-0220
Lynmore James 404-656-0116
Sheila Jones 404-656-0323
Pedro Marin 404-656-0314
Billy Mitchell 404-656-0116
Ron Sailor 404-656-0287
"Able" Mable Thomas 404-656-0314
Al Williams 404-656-6372

Let them know that we are watching their votes and we need them to stand up for everyday Georgians by saying "NO" to the payday loan industry.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Confederate History Month

By now I hope everyone has heard of the bill in the Georgia Senate to create a Confederate History Month. I was prompted to write this post after reading other blogger's comments about the Bill.

I think this is a horrible bill and I'm scared that this is moving forward.

The historical context of the confederacy has a serious racist background. The confederacy represents a divided nation that split due to slavery. After the civil war ended as well as reconstruction, the idea of such a strong pride of the confederacy died down. At the beginning of height of the Civil Rights Movement, there was an emergence of the Confederate flag as well as the idea of the Confederate states. This was a symbol of rebelling against the idea of equality for blacks.

Now the Republican-led Georgia General Assembly is race baiting with the idea of commemorating this dark side of American history. I think its deplorable that anyone would even consider an entire month to celebrate this. I'm hoping at least 8 republicans vote against this. If the General Assembly passes this, I think they would have to concurrently pass a resolution apologizing for slavery.

Another factor we must examine is the financial impact of something like this. There will be calls from numerous civil rights organizations to boycott Georgia. On the bright side, this may energize the Black community in a remarkable way. We may see turnout in 2008 explode and make a serious impact in many elections.

Friday, March 09, 2007

How A Democrat can beat Saxby in '08

I think we have a good chance to start chipping away at the Republican gains in Georgia in 2008 but we must start today. I think we need a member of Congress to run against Saxby. Preferably Jim Marshall but I think that Sanford Bishop and John Barrow will work too.

We need them to meet with the house leadership and come up with the funding gap for Peachcare. Then they have a big press conference with the party leadership and a bunch of kids and parents in the background.

The line to be used in the media should be something like "While the Georgia Legislature decided to take a recess and ignore thousands of innocent children, we were fighting to make sure that every child in Georgia has access to healthcare". We use this issue in working family homes throughout the state to show that Democrats have the same values as everyday Georgians.

We also need a presidential candidate with an actual pulse who will not kill every Democratic candidate in Georgia.

The 10th district race is also very important for 2008. If we make this seat competitive now, we lay the groundwork for an excellent field campaign for other races to come.

We also need our safe congressmen to campaign like they are in for the fight of their lives. If they campaign hard, they can energize our base in those districts and increase voter turnout.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Alabama Centennial By Naomi Long Madgett

In honor of Black History Month and the struggle for civil rights in America, I must post one of my favorite poems.

ALABAMA CENTENNIAL, by Naomi Long Madgett

They said, "Wait." Well, I waited.
For a hundred years I waited
In cotton fields, kitchens, balconies,
In bread lines, at back doors, on chain gangs,
In stinking "colored" toilets
And crowded ghettos,
Outside of schools and voting booths.
And some said, "Later."
And some said, "Never!"

Then a new wind blew, and a new voice
Rode its wings with quiet urgency,
Strong, determined, sure.

"No," it said. "Not 'never,' not 'later."
Not even 'soon.'

And other voices echoed the freedom words,
"Walk together, children, don't get weary,"
Whispered them, sang them, prayed them, shouted them.
And I walked the streets of Montgomery
Until a link in the chain of patient acquiescence broke.

Then again: Sit down!
And I sat down at the counters of Greensboro.
Ride! And I rode the bus for freedom.
Kneel! And I went down on my knees in prayer and faith.
March! And I'll march until the last chain falls
Singing, "We shall overcome."

Not all the dogs and hoses in Birmingham
Nor all the clubs and guns in Selma
Can turn this tide.
Not all the jails can hold these young black faces
From their destiny of manhood,
Of equality, of dignity,
Of the American Dream
A hundred years past due.

[From Star by Star by Naomi Long Madgett.]

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Why Blacks won't necessarily back Obama

Mr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson
has written an impressive article at The Christian Science Monitor about why Black voters won't necessarily support Barack Obama's campaign for POTUS. Below is an excerpt. I think he brings up some good points and starts a dialouge about Black voters and Obama that isn't dealing with Sen. Obama's "Blackness"

Why blacks won't necessarily back Obama
As recent history proves, political interests trump race.
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson

LOS ANGELES - Political interests trump race. That's the hard lesson likely 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama will soon learn. Those who think black voters will automatically support one of their own need to think again. Recent history proves that point.

A survey in January 1996 showed that the so-called black president, Bill Clinton, nosed out Jesse Jackson and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in popularity among blacks. Eight years later, when Al Sharpton made his presidential foray in the South Carolina Democratic primary, he barely nudged out eventual Democratic presidential contender John Kerry among black voters. State and national black leaders put their muscle behind Senator Kerry or John Edwards.
In the 2006 midterm elections, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, pro football great Lynn Swann in Pennsylvania, and Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele – all Republicans – banked heavily on getting black voter support to beat their white Democratic opponents in state races. They failed miserably.

Blacks were enraptured with President Clinton and have supported white Democrats for good reason. They believed these seasoned politicians would deliver on their promise to fight for jobs, education, and healthcare. And they either held office or were good bets to win. Interests and electability trumped color.

The same rules apply to Senator Obama. Blacks may puff their chests with pride at the prospect of him breaking racial barriers, but they'll s judge him on two crucial questions. Can he deliver on bread and butter issues? And can he win?

(Click Here for the Entire Article)

Norwood Declines Further Hospital Treatment, Returns to Augusta Home

Congressman Norwood's Office has issued a Press Release stating that he has refused further treatment for lung cancer and will return home and set up hospice care. My prayers are with his family, friends, and staff.

Focus on Prevention Rally!

This was taken from Bernita over at BFD.

Planned Parenthood of Georgia
Put Prevention First!

What: 2007 Legislative Lobby Day, Press Conference, and Rally

When: Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Where: 9AM: Meet & Energize-State Capitol, Room 230

10AM: Press Conference & Rally-Steps of the Capitol

11AM: Lobby Training & Legislative Briefing-State Capitol, Room 230

11:30AM: Lobby your Legislators!!

RSVP: Rashad Taylor at 404-688-9305x317 or email at

Monday, February 05, 2007

My take on Joe Biden

Ok...I hope I only have to write/discuss this once. Everyone has been talking about Joe Biden and his Obama Goof. Let's really look at this....

Did he say the wrong thing? Yes. Was it intentional Yes. Can it be construed to be condescending? Yes Do I give a damn? No

What I belive the Senator meant to say was that Barack Obama is the first mainstream candidate who can articulate the Party's message without sounding like the "Black Candidate" or looking like a radical leftist.

I think we should look beyond that mishap and just work as a party on building a message and policy to win in '08.