Monday, December 31, 2007

Fw: New poll out just now that will show Edwards in a more decisive position in Iowa than ever before!!!

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Your OneCorps Chapter" <>

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 17:30:47
Subject: New poll out just now that will show Edwards in a more decisive position in Iowa than ever before!!!


New poll out just now that will show Edwards in a more decisive position in Iowa than ever before!!!

A Happy New Year It'll Be!!!
From the IA/Southern Political Report story:
"Critically, Edwards was the second choice of 62% of those who supported other candidates that did not receive the required 15% of the vote. Clinton was the second choice of 21% and Obama of 17%.
Using the reallocation methodology InsiderAdvantage used in 2004 - which correctly indicated a fairly comfortable win for John Kerry - our new poll reveals that, if the caucuses were held today, the reallocated final outcome would be:  
Edwards: 41%
Clinton: 34%
Obama: 25%
Full story/data here: <>

Julie Simon

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

John Edwards Theme of the Week: The Big Mo!!!!!!!

Yes Ladies and Gentleman, John Edwards has momentum!!!!

It has been a pretty exciting week for the Edwards campai gn. The Senator appears on the cover of Newsweek magazine. He's featured in an article as "The Sleeper" candidate. Edwards has strong support in the rural precincts in Iowa and "under Iowa's arcane caucus rules, a precinct where 25 people show up to vote gets the same number of delegates as a place that packs in 2,500"

On Monday, Iowa first Lady, Mari Culver, endorsed John Edwards and hit the campaign trail with him.

Yesterday, Insider Advantage released a poll putting Senator Edwards in the lead in Iowa with 30% with Sens. Clinton and Obama trailing respectively. Senator Edwards is also the top "second choice" candidate. (Iowa party rules calls for caucus goers whose candidate does not receive 15% to choose another candidate.

With 15 days left until the Iowa caucuses, this is exactly what the Edwards campaign needs for that extra push to victory.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Tis the season....

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas so to get in the holiday spirit I am posting a clip for what I think is the best Oprah episode ever. Christmas Eve 1990, The Winans Family appeared on Oprah for a Christmas special... Enjoy

Michael Vick, Shirley Franklin, Our Children....

"Michael especially was a role model for the City's underprivileged children. To them, Michael was much more than just a football player. He gave those kids hope."

These are the words Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin wrote in a letter to Judge Henry E. Hudson in defense of Michael Vick.

Mayor Franklin is right. Vick was/is a role model to children in Atlanta and that is why it is important that we must not send the wrong message to our children. The message should continue to be, "You do the crime, You do the time" no matter how much money or fame you have.

Despite anyone's opinion of this case the fact remains that Michael Vick broke the law and must suffer the consequences.

It was disheartening to read that the Mayor is getting involved in this issue. Maybe instead of supporting common criminals, she can write letters and speak out on more important issues such as police corruption, the Atlanta Housing Authority Fiasco, the Beltline's effect on low income residents, or Grady.

I find it deplorable for the leader of our city to event get involved in this garbage.