Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm disgusted

If you haven't seen Mark Taylor's new ad, you can click here and see it for yourself. Maybe I'm too liberal (although I don't really consider myself a liberal) but this commercial makes me want to vomit. Is ending parole really a great part of a campaign platform. I just think that we can come up with a more comprehensive approach to solving crime than locking people up for years without any type of rehabilitation.

Are we still Democrats people?


Ataru Atlanta said...

This ad worries me - if this is what Mark is running ads on, we have bigger problems then his position on this issue. Mark has got to keep hitting Perdue where he's vulnerable - education and health care. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see this pandering getting Mark any traction. Hopefully this is just a limited buy.

Chris said...

First of all, I don't think Mark has that many "DC" consultants. His GC is from Chicago and guided Zell Miller's 1994 and 2000 victories (when Zell was still worth getting elected). His pollster is Alan Secrest, a Georgia native who does live in Washington but has a long history of work for Georgia candidates.

The parole board once had a rule called the "90%" rule that mandated that violent criminals (we are not talking about shoplifters here, we are talking about rapists, murderers, child molesters) serve at the very least 90% of their sentence. However, their is some funky budgeting going on by the state and just like many other areas that have been cut, the corrections system is feeling the heat too.

They just don't have the money to keep these prisoners in jail long enough, so they let the 90% rule lapse. And Perdue didn't even bat an eye, because he knows he has misappropriated funds and if he started to say anything about it fingers would be pointed back at him.

Mark has a strong record on violent criminals, and sees this is an extension of that. And remember, one more thing, we are talking about the worst of violent criminals here. If they get sentenced to 20 years, why should they get out a few years early because the state doesn't want to pay for their sentence.

When you combine this stance with Mark's successful stewardship of the DNA database, I don't think "liberals" should really have that many concerns. The DNA database has solved 300+ unsolved crimes (putting violent offenders behind bars instead of out in society with the rest of us) and it has also cleared those wrongly convicted (high profile DeKalb case last year).

While I agree with Benson that Perdue is vulnerable on health care and education, the key to winning a campaign can be increasing your opponents vulnerability and spreading it out to more issues, and the fact that Perdue says everything in his budget is A-OK should be turned around on him - he's cut serious corners on health care, obviously slashed education funding, and even when it comes to keeping violent criminals behind bars, he's fallen asleep at the wheel.

That's just my take, thanks.