Saturday, December 02, 2006

Obama and the Religious Right

Sen Barack Obama (D-Illinois) recently spoke at the Saddleback Church (one of the largest "evangelical churches" in the country) on the issues of HIV/AIDS prevention for World Aids Day.

Below is an excerpt from the CNN article.

LAKE FOREST, California (AP) -- Potential presidential candidate Barack Obama stood before one of the country's largest evangelical churches Friday and declared that condoms should be made more widely available to fight AIDS.

The Democratic senator's appearance at Saddleback megachurch was a source of dispute among evangelical leaders, with some of the most conservative saying that a politician who supports abortion rights should not have been allowed to speak at such a prominent church.

Obama urged unity despite political differences to fight the disease that has killed 25 million people since the first case was reported in 1981. About 40 million currently are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Click Here for the Entire Article (By the way, If anyone can show me how to create a post where I could link the entire blogpost with the article here I would greatly appreciate it)

Although there were some issues with him speaking at the church, the event was overall a success. If Obama can speak to the Republangelicals (yes I made that up but I think its an appropriate term) this makes him an even more viable candidate. He was able to talk about his faith and not run to the right on the issue. He still discussed the need for easier access to condoms and how theoretically abstinence, until marriage that is, should be the only way, we have to come back to reality. I personally have nothing but respect for anyone who has the... hmmm "testicular fortitude" to get in front of a large evangelical group and talk about safe sex. I also support any candidate who believes in coming off of George Bush's fantasy island and talk about more than abstinence only prevention methods and start talking about promoting the use of condoms


scarface7 said...

Hey, good article. However, I do disagree with one of your points. It is well within the bounds of reality to discuss abstinence until marriage. It is not unrealistic, not in my opinion.I've heard that argument many times, and people will knowingly look at me with a smug expression, disdainfully telling me that no one would really adhere to such a standard, that it just isn't normal, that we just simply cannot display any self-control whatsoever. I disagree. We are more than mere beasts, copulating with abandon in the backyards of america. We, as humans, are capable of high moral choices, and it is part of the glory of humanity that we can make a choice to do the right thing, even when it doesn't feel good. I'm constantly amazed that people want to excuse themselves from needing to make moral decisions on the basis that the decisions are just not realistic in today's sexually charged climate. I disagree with them. It is time for Americans to grow up, and not spread their legs for whatever comes down the pike, simple because they feel that they have some connection, or whatever. said...


I hope this finds you well. Healthline just released an informative article with graphics regarding HIV/AIDs facts in the US and around the World. The page details who is being effected and the cost of treatment. You can check out the resource here:

This valuable, med-reviewed information shows the need to continueeducating people on prevention and how to protect yourself and your loved ones. I thought this would be a great resource for your audience, and I am writing to ask if you would include it as a source of information on your page:

Please let me know if this would be possible. I’m happy to answer any other questions as well.

Warm regards,
Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp

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