Monday, June 11, 2007

UPDATE: Genarlow Wilson not so free after all

As Everyone probably knows by now, Attorney General Thurbert Baker is appealing the decision to free Genarlow.

Of course, I'm mad as Hell, but I'm not surprised at all. Thurbert, when will you take off the tap shoes and top hat (not a dig at his bad hairpiece) and start doing what's right?

I just left a press conference with Rev. Joseph Lowery, Rev. James Orange, Ms. Janice Mathis of Rainbow/Push, Mr. Edward Dubose of Georgia NAACP, B.J. Bernstein (Genarlow's attorney), Sens. Gail Davenport and Vincent Fort, and Reps. Tyrone Brooks and Randall Mangham where everyone took a vote of No-Confidence of Attorney General Baker and had in hand a letter asking for his resignation.

Random Sidenote: Hillary Clinton Boasts Baker as one of her Georgia Supporters. I'm not sure if that is such a good idea.

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