Friday, January 04, 2008

Why I think John Edwards can still win the nomination

John Edwards has been polling in 3rd place for months and was often seen as a second tier candidate. Senator Edwards was outspent by Senator Clinton and still managed to beat her in the Iowa Caucuses. A former first lady who had the "establishment" supporting her as well as the former POTUS as well as Secretary of State campaigning for her to be beat by a former Senator who many pundits wrote off is AMAZING!!!

I believe that Senator Clinton will spend a lot of her money attacking Senator Obama in the next few days before the New Hampshire Primary. If Edwards continues a positive message, he may be able to siphon votes from both candidate and make a surprising show in New Hampshire and particularly South Carolina.

Alot of people are supporting Obama because he is black. This is more than about race. This is about electing the person that most represents your values. I must say this as I have been saying for a while as well, HOPE doesn't put food on the table, HOPE doesn't give you a fair mortage, HOPE doesn't give you universal healthcare.

Many people talk about Obama and the black vote, I'm still supporting a candidate who talks about issues that affect African Americans.


Anonymous said...

As a British person in England folowing the US elections, I have to say that I have never felt so inspired by a political speech as I was by the one John Edwards gave just after the Iowa Caucus results came in. (4am our time! I couldn't sleep so I was watching it)

In fact, it inspired me so much that I felt annoyed when I realised I can't actually do anything to help the Democrats win the election!

Tony Blair is a good orator and I've spent ten years watching him deliver excellent speeches that were so good we kept him as Prime Minister despite involving Britain in the inavsion of Iraq.

But not even he has ever delivered a speech that has managed to match the one given by John Edwards in Iowa.

I have been rooting for Barack Obama as the next Leader of the Free World but if John Edwards wins the nomination that's fine by me.

Either way, make sure you put a Democrat in The White House because I'm not sure the rest of the planet can cope with four more years with a Republican at the helm.

Sister Toldja said...

I will comment here since you don't have a comment box.

Everything I said on my blog in regards to specific incidents of abhorrent behavior by Morehouse students was true. If anything, I cleaned things UP (not exaggerated) to protect the identities of the people (Morehouse men in some instances) who shared the stories.

You can pout, or you can take a look at this school and realize that a whole lot of sisters AND brothers feel as I do (including current Tigers). And you can realize that there is a large contingent of fuck-ups that are damaging your school's rep. The arrogant, dissmissive nature of your response did not refute any of my words, but rather, landed in the "case-in-point" column.