Friday, February 01, 2008

The Case for Obama

I have been a supporter of John Edwards since the day after the 2004 election. I supported him because I felt like we needed a change in Washington. We needed someone who wasn't too entrenched with Washington Lobbyists to turn the place upside down. Senator Edwards is one of those few public servants who I feel "get it." From predatory lending to health care, Edwards was the first to jump on these issues and shape the debate of the party.

When Senator Edwards dropped out of the race, I was taken aback! Who should I support now? I actually went back and looked at the candidates on the issues before I made a decision and I started leaning towards one candidate. I watched the debate and started leaning towards another.

Then I started thinking about past elections. Although I was just in elementary school, I clearly remember the 1992 presidential election. That's the first presidential election I actually remember and I recall a young man that accepted our nomination from a place called Hope and I remember the excitement that I felt for this candidate at 7 years old. That man, Bill Clinton, went on to become President and change this country. I want kids all around this country to get the feeling that I did. I moved to the near present and started reflecting about sitting in the Fleet Center in Boston in 2004 and the night before John Kerry accepted the nomination, I remember a country boy from South Carolina assuring us that Hope is on the way. That speech touched me dearly and Senator Edwards has had my support since.

As the old folks used to say back home in Birmingham, Alabama, "I need someone to Hope me!" I need a president that knows the policy end of the Oval Office and will be ready to make the tough decisions but I also need someone that can assure American's fears in this tumultuous time.

From the Iraq War to Education, Barack Obama is the best and most progressive candidate left to beat the Republicans on every issue.

Although I have already voted for John Edwards, my support goes to Senator Barack Obama in hopes that he becomes the next President of The United States of America.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

his wife made the case 4 me. he has a Coretta. Nice blog, chk me out one day if u can and let me know if it is ok to blog roll u

The Law said...

I agree with you 100% I think he is one of the most intelligent politicians we've had in a long while. After the debate, he left no question in my mind he is the man for the job.