Thursday, February 03, 2005

Javier Brown for VP of Programs

As I reflect on the political landscape of Georgia, my

heart gets heavy. Republicans have control of the
State House and Senate, and the Governor's mansion and
most Georgians are suffering from this. Our seniors
and children are going without healthcare, Class sizes
are rising, and to top it off, our security is being
compromised with talks of selling old police uniforms
through the internet. This “New Georgia” lacks
promises for the future. Fewer students will be able
to afford to go to college due to cuts in the HOPE

I think its time to send Governor Purdue a message
that “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. We must stand
up and say we don’t want this New Georgia, we must
stand up and say that we demand more funding for
Peachcare, schools, and Hope Scholarship, we must
stand up and take back the house the senate and the
Governor’s mansion in 2006.

Today, I formally announce my candidacy for Vice
President of Programs for Young Democrats of Georgia.
Together we can bring back the old Georgia. Let us
work together to bring back the core values of the
Democratic Party to all.

My experience as president of the Atlanta University
Center Young Democrats has helped me learn how to
develop programs to strengthen chapters. This is the
type of experience essential for VP of Programs.

Let’s host grassroots trainings throughout the state.
Pat Pullar said it best, “we talk about grassroots but
we don’t have the seeds”. If we want to campaign
through effective grassroots methods, we must be
trained to do so. This is the year to train as many
young democrats throughout the state as possible. In
2006, we will have a strong army of activist to
campaign for candidates throughout the state.

We must begin to host regular programs with our
current elected officials. Rallies, speaker series,
and forums are perfect ways to discuss our issues as
active democrats to prepare for our next campaign

We must start campaigning today for our next
elections; remain in constant contact with our
potential votes. A campaign does not start 3 months
before the elections but the day after the last

I look forward to your support on April 9. Please Vote
Javier Brown for Vice President of Programs, Young
Democrats of Georgia


Anonymous said...

you've got my support!

Anonymous said...

And mine.