Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bill Frist is out..

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced today that he is not running for President in '08 (See Frist Says He Does Not Intend To Run for President in 2008 ) Wch ith George Allen losing his election, he is basically out as a candidate for President as well. I wonder what southerner on the Republican side will run. Alabama Governor, Bob Riley, was considered a potential candidate but due to Democrat Jim Folsom Jr. Winning the Lt. Governor's race, I seriously doubt Riley would run and leave the possibilty of handing the governorship over to a Democrat. I wouldn't be suprised if Judge Roy "nutjob" Moore throws his hat in the ring. I think the Christian Coalition was taken out to the wood shed and whipped badly this year and he would run for vindication.

Everyone has heard Newt Gingrich's name float around and I've heard Sonny Perdue's as well (See Sonny Perdue for President????) . I had a conversation over Thanksgiving that I've been seriously thinking about all day. If Newt Gingrich runs, does this hurt Clinton's chance in the primary. If Gingrich is in the race, will Democrats start thinking about the Clinton scandals and wonder if Hillary can beat him in the General or will it energize her campaign more?

I don't see another viable candidate in Tennesee or Florida. I doubt Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour would run. South Caroline Governor Mark Sanford said he will absolutely not run. None of the Southern Senators strike me as a presidential candidate.

Personally I want to see Roy Moore Run and everyone else from the South sits out this round. When he loses, he makes a public announcement refusing to endorse the nominee and the GOP loses more of the evangelical vote.

The only other scenario in the GOP Primary that I would love to see is Condi Rice run. There will be multiple stories about her being dubya's mistress. Can we say conflict of interest? A President appointing someone they have an affair with to a cabinet level position...Secretary of State at that. I don't think Mcgreevy has anything on this affair..It just reminds me of something else.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm Moving

Hey all,

I have officially moved to a new site.. You can check out the new A Mad Democrat blog at Feel free to to email with your suggestions on how I can make the blog better

A Change in my blog

Pretty soon my blog will undergo a serious makeover including a domain name change. While I am changing the look of my blog, I am also looking to change the content.

My plan is to develop new goals of the blog. It will still be political in nature and I plan on covering major issues in Georgia but I want to also steer the blog in another direction. I want to talk more about social issues as well particularly those pertaining to the African American community. I want the content to become more interesting and grasp a more widespread audience. there will be more frequent posts, hopefully daily. I am trying to develop a system and format to go by where my blog will attract the normaly lefty blog readers but also attract a new breed of blog readers and bridge the gap between the blogosphere and the African American community.

Any suggestions?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sonny Perdue for President????

At the end of the 2004 elections, I read an interesting article ( I must have deleted it because now I can't find it) about Perdue running for President in 2008. Now you have right winged blogs and the AJC discussing the possibility of Perdue in '08. I really believe Perdue is going to run so my questions are:
1. How long is it before we hear his announcement?

2. Do you think he has a chance of winning the nomination?

There are 2 things that really stick out that make me think he is going to run. He made at least 1 trip to Iowa during the campaign and just weeks before the election he was visiting the church of the Head Neo-con In Charge, Jerry Falwell. He's also taken the ethanol pledge I think that it would suck for Dems in Georgia if he runs and gets the nomination, vp nomination, or campaigns heavily for the nominee. I think he has a great shot at winning the nomination. At this point, he is the anti-McCain and Guliani and Bill Frist screwed up with the Right over the stem cell debate. Before anyone starts, I have seen comments on other blogs and i declare may a virus that causes your computer explode strike anyone if they comment about people from the South being intellectually challenged.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Is anyone challenging Pelosi?


So there has been a big hoopla over current House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi supporting Congressman Murtha for House Majority Leader over Congressman Steny Hoyer. First I have to admit I am a supporter of Congressman Hoyer for Majority Leader.

My real question is why is no one else running for the Speaker of the House position. There were so many moderate and conservative Dems on the campaign trail vowing that they would not support Pelosi or that they would "keep their powder dry" on the endorsement of someone as Speaker of the House.

I'm really surprised that the Blue Dogs didn't put up a candidate to run against her but I guess stranger things have happened.

Monday, November 13, 2006

My Post Election Blog

The election came with mixed emotions. Democrats did great Nationally but in Georgia some things were a little disappointing. On the bright side all statewide Democratic incumbents won with the exception of public service commissioner David Burgess and he is in a runoff. John Eaves was elected chair of the Fulton county commission and Robb Pitts retained his seat on the commission as well. We didn't lose any US House Seats either. The State House and the State Senate races weren't horrible either. We didn't take them back of course but it wasn't a complete butt kicking.

I am proud at some of our candidates and I tip my hat to them. To Jim Martin, you ran one hell of a race. I was disappointed to see you lose but I feel good knowing that your campaign gave their all.

To Denise Majette, after reading your emails, I understand the problems that happened and cannot blame you for some of the shortcomings of the campaign.

To the State Party, particularly Pat, Annie, and Tahir. I understand the hard work you all put in this season and no matter what anyone else says I think you all did a great job. After all, you aren't miracle workers and it will take time to rebuild the party. We really can't expect huge victories over night. To the DCCC, I saw all of the independent expenditures that you all made on behalf of John Barrow and Jim Marshall and thank you for investing in Georgia.

To the statewide candidates that won, Congratulations! You are our party and now it rests on your shoulders.

To all of the new Dems in the House and Senate, good luck better you than me in that type of environment.

To Alisha Thomas-Morgan, thank you for being who you are and standing up against many people for what is right. I listened to you on WAOK on Election Day and I don't think I could have articulated my views any better than you did.

To those who blame Cathy Cox for Mark Taylor's defeat, I think you should take a look at GA election law and realize that her hands were tied and anyway how can one person be responsible for a defeat like that, let's be real the big guy lost in a big way we just need to suck it up and move on.

To the College Dems in the AUC, thanks for your hard work on the campaign invasion in Harold Ford, we worked hard and played hard.

In closing I must say it feels great to be a Democrat and I must leave you with a quote from Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney's Concession Speech "Electronic Voting is a threat to our Democracy"

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Ok before I can blog about the election I have to say that there is reaking News that Rumsfeld is Resigning as Sec. of Defense. I guess Democrats beat up on him too bad this election. I AM SO HAPPY TO BE A DEMOCRAT!!!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

I'm out campaigning for John Eaves today. Despite the rain people are still going out to vote. Almost every house I go to, the person answers the door with an "I voted" sticker on. Despite the cold wet weather, I'm excited!!!
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Now that I have your attention, Don't FORGET TO VOTE TODAY!!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

When are tv ads annoying?

Ok. I know that its less than a week before the election and maybe I'm just burnt out from reading and watching so much political stuff but I just have to discuss this.

So its 11:52 pm and I'm doing my nightly ritual of lying in the bed and watching roseanne until I fall asleep when I see the new sonny ad with zell miller. Who really wants to see a political ad at that time of night. Honestly at this time, the last thing I care about is politics. I just want to watch roseanne and designing women in peace so I can get my 5 hours of sleep before my day begin.

What do you think? Have I had a political overload or do I have a valid point?
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