Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The DNC Chair race heats up

OK this sux because I have tried to post this like 3 times today.

Ron Kirk has officially bowed out of the race for DNC chair and has endorsed former Texas Rep. Martin Frost . While Rep. Frost was Chair of the DCCC ('96 and '98 cycles), democrats picked up 14 seats. He is also known as an excellent fundraiser.

I don't know yet who I want as a DNC chair but I'm in an ABD (Anybody But Dean) mindset. With Dean as the DNC chair, the focus wouldnt be on the democratic party but himself. We need someone who can appeal to all of America, young and old liberal, moderate, and conservative and that isnt Dean.

I guess we will see how serious the candidates are this Saturday at the DNC Southern Caucus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...