Saturday, April 30, 2005


Please spread the word and urge others to come out to fight against the privitization of social security.

Vice President Dick Cheney Will be in Smyrna Monday, May 2nd for a town hallmeeting supporting the Bush Social Security Privitazation Plan. Thisplan will dismantle the current social security system and cause thedeficit to skyrocket. We are asking everyone that is able to come outand protest the plan. We are asking everyone to be at Campbell HighSchool at 10:30 AM to prepare for the Vice President's arrival.Please spread the Word and urge others to come. It is VERY importantthat we have your support. If you have any questions, feel free tocall or email me. Directions to Campbell High School are below.
-Javier BrownPresident, College Democrats of Georgia404-602-8485
From the NORTH
I-75 South to Windy Hill Road. Exit Right (West) onto Windy HillRoad. Go West for 3.5 miles to Ward Street. Turn left onto WardStreet. The school is on the left.
From the SOUTH
I-75 North to Windy Hill Road. Exit Left (West) onto Windy Hill Road.Go West for 3.5 miles to Ward Street. Turn left onto Ward Street. Theschool is on the left.
From the EAST
Roswell Road/Hwy 120 or Sandy Plains Road. Go West to Cobb Parkway(Hwy 41) or I-75. Follow directions above.
From the WEST
Powder Springs Road to the East-West Connector. Head EAST on the East-West Connector to Austell Road. Turn Left (North) onto Austell Road.Continue to Windy Hill Road. Turn Right (East) onto Windy Hill Road.At the 6th traffic light (Ward Street) turn Right. The school is onthe left.
Dallas Highway (Hwy 120). Head East to Powder Springs Street (Loop120). Turn right. Head South for 1/2 mile and turn left onto SouthMarietta Pkwy (Loop 120). Go East to Fairground Road (by theConvention Center) and turn right. Take Fairground to South CobbDrive and turn right. Follow South Cobb Drive to Windy Hill Road.Turn left onto Windy Hill road. Go East to Ward Street and turnright. The school is on the left.

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