Friday, March 31, 2006

Neal Boortz has crossed the line

OK. He definitely just crossed the line. I am applalled by this. His radio show needs to be shut down NOW. Her actions did not warrant this racist and sexist comment and I'm mad as Hell

Boortz: Rep. McKinney "looks like a ghetto slut"

On the March 31 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Neal Boortz said that Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) "looks like a ghetto slut." Boortz was commenting on a March 29 incident in which McKinney allegedly struck a police officer at a Capitol Hill security checkpoint. Boortz said that McKinney's "new hair-do" makes her look "like a ghetto slut," like "an explosion at a Brillo pad factory," like "Tina Turner peeing on an electric fence," and like "a shih tzu." McKinney is the first African-American woman elected to Congress from Georgia.

Boortz: Rep. McKinney "looks like a ghetto slut"

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