Monday, May 22, 2006

My support of the DPG

First let me give a disclaimer. I don't have a stable source of internet so I don't post everyday. I post as often as possible and that's why you will see multiple posts in one day and none for more days.

Alot of people have been real critical of the State Party and I often wonder if they look at the bigger picture.

1. 4 years ago the State Party was an entirely different apparatus. After the 2002 elections, they had to stop and completely rebuild.

2. With Democrats losing Nationally and still having trouble regaining its footing, How well do you really expect a conservative state like Georgia to do right now.

3. Decades of Republican Think Tanks planning for a nation wide takeover can not be fought against and won overnight. Democrats need Policy Think Tanks of their own planning policy and strategies to prepare for a stronger comeback

4. Georgia has over 150 counties. Maybe we should stop looking at the Atlanta Metro Area and look at the advancements taking place statewide.

I know everyone won't agree with me but oh well.

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