Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bill Frist is out..

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced today that he is not running for President in '08 (See Frist Says He Does Not Intend To Run for President in 2008 ) Wch ith George Allen losing his election, he is basically out as a candidate for President as well. I wonder what southerner on the Republican side will run. Alabama Governor, Bob Riley, was considered a potential candidate but due to Democrat Jim Folsom Jr. Winning the Lt. Governor's race, I seriously doubt Riley would run and leave the possibilty of handing the governorship over to a Democrat. I wouldn't be suprised if Judge Roy "nutjob" Moore throws his hat in the ring. I think the Christian Coalition was taken out to the wood shed and whipped badly this year and he would run for vindication.

Everyone has heard Newt Gingrich's name float around and I've heard Sonny Perdue's as well (See Sonny Perdue for President????) . I had a conversation over Thanksgiving that I've been seriously thinking about all day. If Newt Gingrich runs, does this hurt Clinton's chance in the primary. If Gingrich is in the race, will Democrats start thinking about the Clinton scandals and wonder if Hillary can beat him in the General or will it energize her campaign more?

I don't see another viable candidate in Tennesee or Florida. I doubt Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour would run. South Caroline Governor Mark Sanford said he will absolutely not run. None of the Southern Senators strike me as a presidential candidate.

Personally I want to see Roy Moore Run and everyone else from the South sits out this round. When he loses, he makes a public announcement refusing to endorse the nominee and the GOP loses more of the evangelical vote.

The only other scenario in the GOP Primary that I would love to see is Condi Rice run. There will be multiple stories about her being dubya's mistress. Can we say conflict of interest? A President appointing someone they have an affair with to a cabinet level position...Secretary of State at that. I don't think Mcgreevy has anything on this affair..It just reminds me of something else.

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